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30 Ocak 2017 Pazartesi 11:22

Lethal Weapon 1x14 "The Murtaugh File" Season 1 Episode 14 Promo - A brutal car crash reveals that Cahill is the target of a murderous stalker, causing Riggs and Murtaugh to turn the tables and start asking her questions for a change. Meanwhile, after finding Murtaugh's file in Cahill's office, Riggs becomes obsessed with finding out about his past as Roger and Trish reel over their daughter's newfound fake ID in the all-new “The Murtaugh File” airing Wednesday, February 8th on FOX.

Watch Lethal Weapon Wednesdays at 8:00pm/7c on FOX
Starring: Damon Wayans Sr., Clayne Crawford, Jordana Brewster, Keesha Sharp

Son Güncelleme: 30.01.2017 11:26
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